Welcome to our community

Step into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Discover the magic of connection, the joy of learning, and the spark of inspiration. Here at Secret Valley, we invite you to join this groovy gathering of minds and hearts.

Unleash your imagination, dance to the rhythms of collaboration, and paint your stories with the colors of innovation. This is where dreams take flight, where friendships grow, and where the extraordinary becomes the norm.


Secret Valley isn't just a place of celebration — but a state of mind

We invite you to join us on a journey unlike any other. In this sanctuary, amid nature’s embrace, you’ll deepen your bond with the community and connect with your highest self.

Our aspiration is for you to flourish, to rekindle the joy of your inner child

…and to forge enduring connections that outlive the echoes of our celebration. Secret Valley is a beacon, illuminating your role in the global awakening of consciousness, propelling you towards an exhilarating revival of spirit and an intense connection with being.

At Secret Valley, the spirit of Burning Man ignites our ethos

…and we proudly uphold the Seven Pillars that form the bedrock of our community. These Pillars are not mere guidelines but a living testament to the ethos and culture that pulse through the heart of our gatherings. Each Pillar stands as a beacon, guiding us in creating an environment that is more than an event — it's a transformational experience steeped in the values we cherish.

  • Secret Valley thrives on the strength of its inclusive community. In this welcoming haven, we embrace newcomers with open arms, honour every individual, and celebrate the diversity that each person brings to our vibrant tapestry. Here, every voice is valued, every background is respected, and every story enriches us.

  • Secret Valley is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional; gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value.

  • Secret Valley encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on his or her inner resources.

  • Activate your inner artist. Secret Valley is a place to explore your individual authentic expression with curiosity instead of judgment. Tap into your inner child and let them flourish. Remember to respect the space and others around you.

  • We encourage collaboration and co-creation between our artists, guests, and facilitators. The magic is in the moment. Secret Valley is co-created from the land, our guests, the artists, workshop facilitators, and the energy that's within us all.

    At the core of our community lies a deep-seated belief in the power of cooperation and the magic of collaboration. It is through the collective contribution of each individual's unique strengths that we enhance the tapestry of our shared experience, ensuring that every moment at Secret Valley is enriched by the spirit of togetherness. Here, each contribution, large or small, weaves into the larger story of our festival, crafting an unforgettable journey for all.

  • Our community respects the environment. Leave the earth, yourself, and your fellow valley veterans better than you found them. Our community members respect the land, pick up trash, and leave no trace. Together, we can regenerate our environment and ourselves.

    We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavour, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.

  • We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. In order to be participate, be vulnerable and open to change, we must feel safe.

    Community members who facilitate experiences should cultivate safety for the body, mind, and spirit and value the welfare of their recipients. Our community promotes a culture of consent, where anything less than a full body “yes,” is a “no.”